VITESS Tool Generate Series

To do a series of simulations, you start with an instrument you haved developed using the GUI. Let's call it the 'standard instrument'. When you have completed it, you choose the menu "File"->"Generate Series".
In the item 'Iterations' you give the number of desired simulations. Then you have to define the parameters that are variable during the simulation. To be more precise, all parameters that are not mentioned here have the same values in all runs as in the standard instrument. To define a variable parameters you have to assign the module by its consecutive number and the item by its 'command option' (without '-'), connected by a colon. It is possible to give it a name behind a second colon. Several parameters are separated by a [space] character. Instead of typing, you can just click on the item text and it appears in the list.
Example: 1:M:max_wavelength 2:p:length
means that the parameter defined by the command option -M of the first module will be changed, and it will be given the name "max_wavelength" on the following window. (If the first module is the 'source' module, this is the maximal wavelength.) Additionly, the parameter defined by the command option -p of the second  module will be variable and gets the name 'length'. (If the second module is the 'guide' module, this is the piece length.)

When the list is complete, you switch to the next window by clicking the '>>' button. Here you'll find a table with as many columns as variable parameters and as many rows as the number of  simulations (or iterations) + 3 heading rows for:
1. name of parameter (e.g. max_wavelength),
2. the combination defining the parameter (e.g. 1:M) and
3. a value 'delta' to define a whole column according to: value_i = value_1 + (i-1)*delta  (i defines the row). To fill the column, the first value must be given; then 'delta' has to be set and [enter] be pressed (while the cursor is inside the delta cell).
The table must now be filled to assign the whole series. To make things more convenient, every empty cell of the table is interpreted as having the value of the standard instrument.
To save the results of the simulations, a list of files must be given that shall be copied. (Otherwise the results are deleted by the following simulations.) They are copied to a file with the new name 's1 _filename.ext', 's2_filename.ext', etc. into the directory given in the item 'CopyTargetDirectory'. Several files need to be separated by a [space] character.

When the table is filled, the series of simulations can be started or saved. Before saving the series in a tcl-file, you can view (and change) the result of the parser. In case of mistakes, you can edit the table again (after clicking on the '<<' button).
But it is also possible to go back to the first window (by clicking on the '<<' button) and extend or change the series. In order to continue your work on the series (maybe after a change of standard instrument), you just choose the menu "File"->"Generate Series" again and continue, where you have stopped.

max. number of modules:                   30
max. number of variable parameters:  25
max. number of simulations:             100
max. number of files to be copied:     10

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Last modified: Tuesday, 03-Jul-2007 16:14:08 CEST